Saturday, September 5, 2015

PBS's Nova ... for the cost of just a couple of commercial interruptions

Nova is the science/technology show from PBS and has been available for a while now for almost-free streaming (at just the cost of watching a couple of randomly-inserted ads into the 52 minute or so production.

It's worth it! I've found the ones I've seen generally excellent and often fascinating, including:

Mind Over Money is a discussion and critique of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis ... one of the experiments described (where grad students hold on for too long, bidding up the value of an asset that's due to expire worthless) is the key to winning at options trading: selling options to over-optimistic buyers.


This is where I first heard about the B612 Foundation, trying to raise enough money to build a satellite to watch for city-killing-sized asteroids. (They're well short, according to a recent Planet Money episode ...)

And one more exciting one:

focussing on Iceland's volcanoes, which messed up air travel in 2010 and supposedly killed thousands in Iceland and Europe in 1783 and could do worse anytime now ...

Big fun! Anytime you're not in the mood for a romantic comedy, there are 150 of these available and more all the time. Enjoy!

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