Saturday, September 5, 2015

Genetic Genie takes on some of 23andMe's responsibility; The Gut Biome

23AndMe got in minor trouble with the FDA over doing health tests without authorization. Supposedly they can now test for Bloom Syndrome, but from the description it doesn't look too useful for anybody of normal or near-normal height.

Genetic Genie arose to provide a couple of tests that 23andMe can't. You can download your data from 23andMe and upload to Genetic Genie and get a few health results that way.

Genetic Genie is free but solicits donations on its site.

It turns out, though, that we're 99% bacteria and the contents of these bacteria are a huge determinant of our health. This is a huge, newly emerging and very complex subject. See, for example:

The American Gut Project
New York Times: "No Healthy Microbiome"
Larry Smarr at UW in 2014

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