Monday, September 7, 2015

Can't understand your (insert your opposite political number here) neighbor?

In 2004 I was having lunch with this computer programmer I've known for 30+ years now and I was going on and on about George W. Bush and how we had to get him out of office in that fall's election ... and this guy let me go on a bit and then said "of course you know we support him for reelection" ...

My jaw dropped. But! This guy is a rather conservative Christian, and Bush spoke to that segment of the populace and even though I couldn't see it I couldn't deny that this guy was intelligent and reasonable in other respects ...

I later read a book that made some sense of this:

It gives a possible origin for political divisions, even within the same family. I heartily recommend it to any {Tea Party Trump supporter,Bernie Sanders Bigot} who's trying to understand the other side.

I later came upon a previous book of his that was very compelling also:

Reviews of this book are here. I enjoyed it immensely and read in pretty much one sitting; his way of stringing together classroom anecdotes and the discussion of ancient wisdom was a kick.

Most recently there's an Atlantic Monthly article by Haidt and a colleague on the overdoing of "disturbing speech" suppression in colleges ... well worth a read.

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