Saturday, December 15, 2018

Business opportunity: backup battery power for grocery stores?

We had our "first major blow" of the year last night. This caused a moderate (for this region) power outage: 100,000 out of power, some for hours.

One of these was our local PCC (of the fabulous Jimmy John's conquering paninis) ... dark and out of power last night around 9pm when I drove by.

I'm not sure what they do in a power outage; maybe they already have enough battery backup to handle all the refrigeration? But if not: what kind of loss do they suffer when ice cream melts and meat thaws? This outage last night was minor, but the one in 2006 was major and parts of Issaquah were out for 1 day plus ... (south of town we were out for 7 days + 15 hours).

The Tesla Powerwall is inexpensive enough for homeowners to be a reasonable alternative to a generator ... but would a custom configuration work for somebody like PCC?

I don't know what the plan is for PCC when the power goes out, but I'm going to check with the next time I'm in getting a panini!

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