Sunday, May 1, 2022

Why I stopped taking Vitamin C

 I've been taking 2000mg of Vitamin C for quite a while now:

I have read various promotional screeds about Vitamin C over the years, including (I seem to recall though I can't find it) a recent one from noted health expert Jeff Bezos.

But since the FDA isn't allowed to rule on the safety and efficacy of any of these supplements, where is one to turn?

The answer: ConsumerLab, a service to comb through scientific publications to show us the real ones ...

Including this one on Vitamin C a few days  ago, saying that people with the most vitamin C in their blood had a higher risk of death from all causes!

I have a tangerine most days, so that's enough for me from now on. Thanks to ConsumerLab for bringing this to my attention. Sheesh!

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