Sunday, November 7, 2021

Book recommendations via YouTube and my newfound ability to read fiction without skimming

 For some years I have been partaking most fiction via Audible, since in the past I have been to much a skimmer to read fiction the normal way.

But recently I've tried some recommendations from my local library and from these YouTube book recommenders (see below) and found that I read without skimming and very much enjoyed some.

I'll have another post on my book recommendations for this period, but now for some of the YouTubers I've been watching lately:

 This guy's not exclusively a BookTuber, but this is the first one of his I watched.

I also got a couple of excellent recommendations from my local library on their Libby app.

Last but not least, there's Kindle Unlimited, I had this pegged as "just unsellable cruft" but that's no longer so if it it ever was! It's $10.85 per month.

Two vivid examples:

I just found Bloomberg Businessweek there, for which I have been paying $70 per year for a print-only subscription.

The Murderbot Diaries, Martha Wells' series of fabulous novellas, have the first two now on Kindle Unlimited for free. I recently read both of these and found them "virtual pageturners" even though I'd heard both the stories before on Audible.

Overall it's a feast of reading for any reader!

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