Monday, October 21, 2019

Potassium calms the racing heart!

As I've mentioned here before, I have afib and control it with a boatload of supplements, potassium being notable among these.

My Lovely Wife likes dessert, including the wonderful ones that she makes:

But she's been complaining recently after having sugary desserts that her heart was racing, and I remember this clickbait I experienced:

Here’s how many avocados it would take to kill you

The basic idea is that avocados have potassium, and too much potassium slows down your heart until it stops.

That made me remember my wife's complaint, and after a nice dinner out on Saturday night with Creme Brulee for dessert, I suggested that she try potassium to make sure her heart didn't go off.

It worked! Hope this is helpful for some of you that have been avoiding sweets because of this effect ...


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