Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Pulitzer prize winner and another good one from Matt Richtel

I saw a review of this one recently and added it to my library list:

It tracks four patients through cancer and autoimmune disorders and give a history of the understanding of the immune system. Well done!

I enjoyed this one so much (four stars) that I looked for other work by Richtel and found his Pulitzer Prize winner:

I could hardly put this one down! This is the story of the first prosecution of a person suspected of texting while driving who caused a fatal accident.

I thought the way the author put together the stories of all the main characters (the perpetrator, the state trooper, the prosecutor and more ..) was just masterful.

Five stars for this one; money back if not completely satisfied ... and old enough (published 2014) that you can get it from the library!

I ordered a copy for my 86.8 year old bridge partner who called me from his car the other night ... my goal is to keep him alive until he can get a self-driving car!

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