Monday, June 21, 2010

First experience with Haskell and the kindness of strangers on IRC

I am working this summer on a project with Haskell, the quasi-fabulous functional language. I haven't actually got to working with the language itself yet as I stumbled getting the right version built. The project I am working on requires an unreleased version of Haskell and I must have goofed in building it.

Fortunately there is the #haskell IRC channel on The folks there steered me in the right direction (my build was hosed and I am starting again from scratch). And I found out about ERC, an excellent Emacs IRC client that I wish I'd known about before!

1 comment:

Mark McWiggins said...

Eureka! I figured it out. Got the Haskell HEAD version built with all libraries installed. The Cabal installation tool gets out of sync with the HEAD version, so to install on HEAD you have to do:

* make sure the HEAD version of ghc is first in your PATH
* download and decompress the library you want, 'mylibrary' for example
* cd mylibrary
* ghc --make Setup.hs -o Setup'
* ./Setup configure --user'
* ./Setup build'
* ./Setup install --user'

That's it! Your Haskell HEAD version will then have access to all libraries you install this way.