Friday, January 12, 2018

Two books on old gods returning to manipulate humanity

My friend Curt recommended this book the last time I saw him:

I found an audiobook copy via the local library and tried it. It took a couple of chapters to really hook me, but overall I found it to be terrific.

It's set in a future society where there's been a political realignment after the Decline, which was caused by a virus called Mephistopheles ... leaving the "mark of Cain" on some of those affected.

Out of this decline has emerged a new North American state called the RUNA, surrounded by "provinces" that are not part of this entity. One of the protagonists, Justin, has been exiled by the RUNA and is living in backwater Panama, when he is called back from exile to serve his country again.

Justin is a "servitor" who inspects religious entities for conformance to the RUNA's rules. The RUNA was founded on science and rationality and forbids any worship of "fictitious entities." But Justin has seen some unexplainable things in his work ....

The other protagonist is May, a gorgeous ("9" genetically -- near perfect) Praetorian ... supersoldier. She meets Justin in Panama at the beginning of the book ...

And any more will spoil the story ... trust me on this one and just try this one for the first 40-50 pages at least. Five stars!

An older one that hits some of the same themes in a different way:

A man named Shadow is the protagonist. At the beginning of the book he is in prison and upon his release runs into (by chance, it looks to be) to this guy named Wednesday who says "you're late!"

Wednesday is a grifter, he says, and he finally persuades Shadow to work for him ... and complications ensue.

This one got me from the first few pages ... you won't be disappointed. Five stars!

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