Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I needed a hearing aid, I'd try this one first! (Currently, though: the best ear plugs are ...)

The New York Times just ran this article on a new type of hearing aid that's controlled by an iPhone! It's from GN Resound, who bills its Linx as "the world's smartest hearing aid."

Currently I don't need this, as I grew up on a farm in Louisiana, didn't listen to a lot of loud rock music growing up, and may otherwise have just genetically more sensitive hearing than most folks. For example, I'm one of the very few if any who plug my fingers into my hears when at least half of flight attendants or pilots come on airplane's intercoms. To me, these people are painfully loud.

So for the moment instead I use Hearos, my favorite earplug. They're rated at -33 dB sound reduction and can make the most noisome flight attendant into an easily tolerable and still perfectly comprehensible stream of words.

I'd be interested in the review of anyone who's actually tried the GN Resound Linx. Readers?

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